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  • {"google":["Poppins","Barlow"],"custom":["SCDream","Noto Sans KR","Hangyule"]}
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    About Vluchem

    VLUCHEM IND is developing, manufacturing and distributing top-qualified testing instruments for rubber, plastics and other industries to our valuable customers. Manufacturing and guarantee to keep the top-quality of its products durability, Vluchem Ind is operating the strict quality and management system which will give the customer's satisfaction when our customers operate our products. As a manufacturer for innovative and material testing instrument industries, we bear the responsibility for quality assurance.

      50 Yonhee ro Seodaemun Ku Seoul Korea 03781 



      info@vluchem.com / vluchem@daum.net 

    About Vluchem

    VLUCHEM IND is developing, manufacturing

    and distributing top-qualified testing

    instruments for rubber, plastics and other

    industries to our valuable customers.

    Manufacturing and guarantee to keep

    the top-quality of its products durability,

    Vluchem Ind is operating the strict quality

    and management system which will give

    the customer's satisfaction when our

    customers operateour products.

    As a manufacturer for innovative

    and material testing instrument industries,

    we bear the responsibility for quality


      50 Yonhee ro Seodaemun Ku Seoul Korea 03781 



      info@vluchem.com / vluchem@daum.net 

    {"google":["Poppins","Barlow","Roboto"],"custom":["SCDream","Hangyule","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Poppins","Barlow","Roboto"],"custom":["SCDream","Hangyule","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Poppins"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","SCDream"]}