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    Auto IRHD Tester

    The international hardness test is based on measurement of the penetration of a rigid ball into the rubber specimen. The hardness is obtained by the difference in penetration depth of a specified dimension ball under conditions of contact with a minor force and with a major force. The differential penetration is taken at a specified time and converted to a hardness scale value. It’s performed according to ASTM D 1415, KS M ISO 48 and ISO 48.
    The Vluchem’s IRHD-Micro is
    a full automatic instrument which is far from operator’s influences and rubber material, polymer such as o-ring, oil seal and various molded final goods. 


    •      AIR-20M


    Resolution 0.1 IRHD 

    Min. Test Thickness 1 mm 

    Data Excel Export Function  

    ERP System (Option)

    Ce Certification




    • Technical Specification


    Test Method 

    IRHD Micro 


    0.1 IRHD 


    Ø 0.397

     Total force on ball  

    153.3mN ± 1.0 

    Minor force 

    8.3 mN ± 0.5 

    Major force 

    145 mN ± 0.5 

    Force on foot 

    235mN ± 30.0 

    Measuring range 

    30 ~ 100 


    210~240V, single phase 50/60Hz  


    Color LCD graphic 

    Data Output 

    Graph, Test results, Single test and multi test available 

    Hardness trend graph, test results pass/fail 

    Tolerance limits, Time, Data excel export function 

    RS 232C Cable, 9600 Baud
    Measuring Time 30 ~ 999, Default 30 sec   
    Dimension 250 X 310 X 440 mm / 16 Kgs


    Auto IRHD Tester

    The international hardness test is based on measurement

    of the penetration of a rigid ball into the rubber specimen.

    The hardness is obtained by the difference in penetration

    depth of a specified dimension ball under conditions

    of contact with a minor force and with a major force.

    The differential penetration is taken at a specified time

    and converted to a hardness scale value. It’s performed

    according to ASTM D1415, KS M 6511 and ISO 48.
    The Vluchem’s IRHD-Micro is a full automatic instrument

    which is far from operator’s influences and rubber material,

    polymer such as o-ring, oil seal and various molded final goods. 

    •  AIR-20M


    Resolution 0.1 IRHD

    Min. Test Thickness 1 mm 

    Data Excel Export Function) 

    ERP System (Option)

    Ce Certificatio

    • Technical Specification

    Test Method 

    IRHD Micro 


    0.1 IRHD 


    Ø 0.397 

     Total force on ball  

    153.3mN ± 1.0 

    Minor force 

    8.3 mN ± 0.5 

    Major force 

    145 mN ± 0.5 

    Force on foot 

    235mN ± 30.0 

    Measuring range 

    30 ~ 100 


    210V~240, single phase 50/60Hz  


    Color LCD graphic 

    Data Output 

    Graph, Test results, Single test

    and multi test available 

    Hardness trend graph, 

    test results pass/fail 

    Tolerance limits, Time, 

    Data excel export function 

    RS 232C Cable, 9600 Baud
    Measuring Time30 ~ 999, Default 30 sec 
    Dimension250 X 310 X 440 mm / 16 Kgs

    {"google":["Poppins","Barlow","Alegreya","Roboto"],"custom":["SCDream","Hangyule","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Poppins","Barlow"],"custom":["SCDream","Hangyule","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Poppins"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","SCDream"]}