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  • Auto Moving Die Rheometer 

    The Vluchem’s automatic moving die rheometer (AMR-10) for determining selected vulcanization characteristics of vulcanizable rubber compounds using rotorless sealed torsion meter and measured according to ASTM D 5289, ISO 6502-3 and KS M ISO6502.
    MR-10 may be used for quality control in rubber manufacturing processes, for research and development testing of raw-rubber compounded in an evaluation formulation, and for evaluating various raw materials used in preparing rubber compounds. 
    The instrument is equipped with the highest torque measurement, reliability, along with stiff hardware, superior heater, temperature sensor, temperature controller and Vluchem’s own designed data acquisition device and software.
    Designed to be placed on a desk instrument and is supplied with the Vluchem’s own data analysis software for test management, data recording and printing, automated Pass/Fail testing as well as recall processing of historical data, also available an online upload software as an option.

    Automatic Sample supply device


    • This instrument is supplied with Ce labeling 


    Ce Certification


    • Technical Specification 





    International Standard 

    ASTM D 5289 

    ISO 6502

    KS M ISO 6502


    Induction Motor 

    Die configuration 

    Biconical, closed die system, sealed 

    Oscillation frequency 


    Oscillation angle 

    0.5°[Option]1°, 3°, 5°  
    Mechanically adjustable 

    Protection for operator  
    Temp. shield screen moving 

    Before test chamber closing 

    Test chamber moving 

    By Pneumatic 

    Motor Platen operation 

    available by hardware 
    & software 

    Temperature control 

    available by hardware & 

    Temperature range 

    microprocessor controlled  
    RT ~ 220°C 

    Temp. Sensor Type 

    PT 100 Ω 

    Torque range 

    0~ 200 dNm 


    Calibration jig 


    Torque[dNm, lbf.in] 

    Temperature [°C]

    MH, ML Ts1, Ts2, Tc10(N), Tc50(N), Tc90(N)

    Data excel export function,  

    Trend graphs 

    Tolerance limits by time and torque  

    Average, S-Dev


    min 4.5 bar/60 Psi 


    200~230V, 3A, single phase, 50Hz/60Hz 

    Emergency Button 



    W1200 X D685 X H1200 mm  


    180 kgs   

    Linear Automation  
    Feeding Device 

    AMR-10 [5 samples]  

    Auto Moving Die Rheometer 

    The Vluchem’s automatic moving die rheometer

    (AMR-10) for determining selected vulcanization

    characteristics of vulcanizable rubber compounds

    using rotorless sealed torsion meter and measured

    according to ASTM D 5289, ISO 6502-3 and KS M ISO6502.
    MR-10 may be used for quality control in rubber

    manufacturing processes, for research and

    development testing of raw-rubber compounded in an

    evaluation formulation, and for evaluating various raw

    materials used in preparing rubber compounds. 
    The instrument is equipped with the highest torque

    measurement, reliability, along with stiff hardware,

    superior heater, temperature sensor, temperature

    controller and Vluchem’s own designed data

    acquisition device and software.
    Designed to be placed on a desk instrument and is

    supplied with the Vluchem’s own data analysis

    software for test management, data recording and

    printing, automated Pass/Fail testing as well as recall

    processing of historical data, also available an online

    upload software as an option.

    Automatic Sample supply device

    • This instrument is supplied with Ce labeling 


    Ce Certification


    • Technical Specification 





    International Standard 

    ASTM D 5289 

    ISO 6502

    KS M ISO 6502


    Induction Motor 

    Die configuration 

    Biconical, closed die system, sealed 

    Oscillation frequency 


    Oscillation angle 

    0.5°[Option]1°, 3°, 5°  
    Mechanically adjustable 

    Protection for operator  
    Temp. shield screen moving 

    Before test chamber closing 

    Test chamber moving 

    By Pneumatic 

    Motor Platen operation 

    available by hardware 
    & software 

    Temperature control 

    available by hardware & 

    Temperature range 

    microprocessor controlled  
    RT ~ 220°C 

    Temp. Sensor Type 

    PT 100 Ω 

    Torque range 

    0~ 200 dNm 


    Calibration jig 


    Torque[dNm, lbf.in] 

    Temperature [°C]

    MH, ML Ts1, Ts2, Tc10(N), Tc50(N), Tc90(N)

    Data excel export function,  

    Trend graphs 

    Tolerance limits by time and torque  

    Average, S-Dev


    min 4.5 bar/60 Psi 


    200~230V, 3A, single phase, 50Hz/60Hz 

    Emergency Button 



    W1200 X D685 X H1200 mm  


    180 kgs   

    Linear Automation  
    Feeding Device 

    AMR-10 [5 samples]  

    {"google":["Poppins","Barlow","Roboto"],"custom":["SCDream","Hangyule","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Poppins","Barlow","Roboto"],"custom":["SCDream","Hangyule","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Poppins"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","SCDream"]}